Cancelled until further notice
We are pleased to announce the recipient of the third round of The Garage Journal's grant program — Valerie Mindlin (independent researcher, Moscow), who applied with an article entitled ‘The Craft: On the Neo-Surrealist Sanctuary of Russian Feminist Art.’
We are pleased to announce the recipients of the second round of The Garage Journal's grant program. They are Margherita Foresti (doctoral candidate, University of Münster, Germany), who applied with an article entitled ‘Metamorphoses. The Place of Moving Images,’ and Miriam Leimer (freelance art historian, doctoral candidate, University of Hamburg, Germany), whose article is dedicated to ‘“Berlin Sees Bizarre Russian Art Show”: The Press Coverage of the Erste Russische Kunstausstellung (1922) and the Perception of Russia's Non-Objective Art.’
We are pleased to announce the recipients of the first round of The Garage Journal's grant program. They are Svetlana Kondratyeva (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow), who applied with an article entitled ‘Dancing with Heritage: Site-Specific Dance and Performance in Historic Sites and Museums’, and Mateusz Sapija (University of Edinburgh, U.K.), whose article is dedicated to ‘Contemporary Art Exhibitions as a Tool for the Democratization of Europe Between 1989 and 2004’.
The Garage Journal: Studies in Art, Museums & Culture is launching a grant program to support independent and early career researchers engaged in writing on the arts and culture. The Garage Journal’s grants are intended to encourage new, original research and to foster diversity and inclusivity in the academic environment.